Payroll Compliance

Any gap in compliance on wage entitlements of employees could land a company in trouble.

The company may end up having a financial implication or a risk of prosecution or IR issues triggered. Even a small non-compliance could cause significant damage to the reputation of the company.

Sri Sai Datta Consultants with its expertise, adequate skill sets, Pan-India presence, well defined process and with appropriate technological support could facilitate Payroll Compliance Services (PCS). The spirit behind the following legislations would be taken care of through this service:

  • The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
  • The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
  • The Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952
  • The Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948
  • Various State enactments on Professional Tax

Service Highlights

  • Registrations, amendments and renewals
  • Processing wage data for generating contribution challan
  • Online timely remittance of statutory contributions
  • Filing statutory returns as per statutory timelines
  • Maintenance of relevant statutory registers and other records
  • Transfer-in, transfer-out and settlement of EPF accounts
  • Compliance under various ESI sub codes
  • Generation and dissemination of customer specific error-free data, MIS and statutory documentation
  • Assistance to the employees in processing applications for getting rightful benefits
  • Foster rapport and sustained coordination with diverse authorities
  • Facilitate clients in efficiently handling inspections by authorities.
  • Help desk for pay roll related compliances (only in exclusive resource model)